Why People Are Wrong to Think That
CCTV is a Detection Tool
When we talk
detection we are talking about observing behavior – all behavior both wanted
and unwanted. It is very common within
the security field, and even outside of the security field, for people to think
that detection means detecting the bad guy doing a bad thing. Well, not really. What we are trying to do is determine if the
behavior we are watching is authorized or not.
If we assess it to be allowed, then we take no action. If it’s not allowed, the security force
responds. Again, we can use electronic
and non-electronics to assist us. The
thing to remember is technology is a tool to assist and it has to be treated
that way. It is not the “cure all”.
Just putting a CCTV camera to watch a store
shelf or a gas pump will not prevent crime. The reality is, by putting a camera we are allowing someone who is monitoring what the camera sees to assess the behavior that is being seen. Therefore, CCTV is actually an assessment tool. Those installing cameras must remember how the system is going to be used for assessment and not how it will capture what happened. An article in the Chicago Tribune a couple years ago mentioned that less than three percent of crime is solved by the use of a camera system. Recent articles about the enormous number of cameras watching the public spaces in London puts that number somewhere around 22 percent. I think it would be fair to say the numbers somewhere in between. Just placing the camera is not enough it has to be monitored too, and in real time. Otherwise, the bad guy will get away.Other facts about CCTV discussed during Free webinar 12 December
The Security Industry Association (SIA) is sponsoring a webinar at 1pm (ET) on 12 December 2017, when I'll talk about the Five Pillars of Physical Security: Misconceptions, Myths and Truths at https://www.securityindustry.org/ . I will post a direct link once we get closer to that date. We hope you'll join us.