What Makes Great Space?
Making Smart Buildings Wise
With the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the push for interconnectivity of devices we've been concentrating on making buildings, transportation, and every other facet of our lives "Smart". Many conferences or symposiums are being held all over the world to discuss this phenomena. In fact, I participated in the Smart Cities India 2015 Conference and Expo and provided input to the IFSEC Security Conference this past December and will again participate this coming May at the 2nd Smart Cities India 2016 Conference and Expo in New Delhi, India.
Our discussion centered on the technological ability of connecting devices to more efficiently and effectively manage systems - transportation, food supply, energy, etc. I think we can go a step beyond that and say, "Efficiency is nice but what I really care about is the ability to raise my family somewhere where I don't have to worry about them being safe".
By shaping the built environment and integrating solutions, both physical and technological, that are transparent we can create neighborhoods where people actually want to work, live and raise their families- not because they are efficient but because the are safe. As urban centers of the future increase in population so will the demand for functionality on a multitude of levels.
One clear local example of the effective and efficient use of space is "The Collection" located at River Park area in Oxnard, CA. The neighborhoods, both residential and retail, are vibrant with dynamic examples of "Great Space" usage.
We'll discuss Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and other design principles that define "Great Space" with a 2 day workshop on May 2nd and 3rd at the River Park Executive Suites, in Oxnard. Please join us. Click on https//hainessecuritysolutions.com for the latest details.